The Thing With Feathers, A World Premiere
"Alexa Shae Niziak, who plays Anna, is also 16, and her command of the role is extraordinary — because she is so young, yes, but mainly because she is so entirely at home in her character’s skin. A veteran of Broadway shows including “Matilda the Musical,” Ms. Niziak is the heart of the excellent ensemble that powers this world premiere, directed by Seth Barrish for The Barrow Group."
Laura Collins-Hughes, January 2018
New York Times
“…..There are plenty of surprises in this play but one of the most surprising things is an actress named Alexa Shae Niziak. And I think she alone is worth seeing The Thing With Feathers. It’s a terrific play, the suspense is amazing…that said….I have to single out this young woman who is such a natural at acting. She is superb at not acting..the best type of acting there can be. She seemed so real and so at home on the stage and giving such an honest performance, that I really think that is the main reason to see TTWF. The play is galvanizing..It really deserves to be seen, especially this woman. I want to get my Theatre World nominators there. It’s a dazzling debut…a breakout role and a breakout performance.”
Peter Filichia, February 2018
(review at 10:30)
Broadway Radio
"Alexa Shae Niziak (Anna) is terrific. She neither makes a false move nor exhibits a less than credible expression. Everything is honest and sympathetic. This young actress should be watched."
Alix Cohen
Playing Around
"TBG has assembled a knockout cast that has us holding our breath during the tension-filled play. Alexa Shae Niziak is a find as Anna, whom she makes into a totally familiar teenager, smart and independent, yet struggling to come to terms with emotions she doesn’t fully comprehend. Samuel Lieter, The Broadway Blog"
The World is Full of Secrets, Independent Film
"Two simple but highly effective long takes occupy large stretches of this form-pushing debut. Emily (Alexa Shae Niziak), the group’s religious overachiever, details the violations Saint Agnes of Rome suffered as punishment for her devotion…There are no cuts or camera movements, only a static frame that relies solely on the young actresses."
Carlos Aguilar
Los Angeles Times
Mary Poppins, Broadway National Tour
“..I was awed by the performance of Alexa Shae Niziak, who took on the role of little Jane Banks for the opening night's show. A veteran of the stage despite her youth, Niziak is one of the standouts of the touring company with a clear singing voice and stage presence that belies her eleven years of age.”
Dan Herr
Nashville Music News
Far From Heaven, Williamstown Theatre Festival
“..young Alexa Shae Niziak has a gorgeous voice. Her duet with (Kelli) O’Hara, "Once Upon a Time'" is one of the musical highlights….”
Steve Vineberg
Critics At Large
Women Without Men, American Premiere
"All these young actresses are excellent, with Niziak excelling in a brief, Shakespearean turn.”
Alix Cohen
Playing Around
“…the acting is extraordinarily good even when judged by the uncommonly high standard that the Mint has set over the years. Every last woman (or girl) on stage gives a stellar performance in every way.”
Michael Portantiere